السبت,1 أكتوبر 2011 - 01:44 ص
: 21857    

كتب by Transparency International

A holistic approach to analyse both the extent and causes of corruption in a particular country by looking at the system of checks and balances and institutional pillars that form a society (executive, legislature, judiciary, comptroller, anti-corruption commission, civil service, media, civil society, etc.). 44
Developed by Transparency International, this framework is useful for evaluating a country’s institutional strengths and weaknesses and developing an anti-corruption strategy.

Example in practice
The Netherlands’ most recent NIS report reveals that its modern civil service system deters corruption.
The parliamentary system holds government accountable; administrative law guarantees decision-making is in the public interest; and a free press works to expose instances of public corruption.
However, the lack of public disclosure and rules for elites, as well as other institutional weaknesses, demand an independent body be created to protect public integrity and promote related policies.
Relevant links
—— Manila Standard Today: A National Integrity System.
—— TIRI: Mozambique Reconstruction National Integrity System Survey.
—— Transparency International: National Integrity System.
44 Transparency International, National Integrity Approach http://www.transparency.org/policy_research/nis.
United Nations Development Programme, Tackling Corruption, Transforming Lives: Accelerating Human Development in the Asia and the Pacific (New Delhi: Macmillan, 2008).


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