السبت,1 أكتوبر 2011 - 01:35 ص : 4658
كتب by Transparency International
A concept that goes beyond the traditional notion of government to focus on the relationships between leaders, public institutions and citizens, including the processes by which they make and implement decisions. 37
‘Good’ governance is characterised as being participatory, accountable, transparent, efficient, responsive and inclusive, respecting the rule of law and minimizing opportunities for corruption.
Example in practice
To strengthen Nepal’s governance system, its parliament passed four bills in 2002 aimed at constructing an anti-corruption legal framework and established a unit under the prime minister’s officeto monitor and advocate for anti-corruption initiatives. The changes also required that all public officialssubmit documented statements of their wealth and property.38
Relevant links
—— Freedom House.
—— Ibrahim Index of African Governance.
—— 2008 International Property Rights Index.
—— UNESCAP: What is Good Governance?
—— World Bank: Governance Matters 2008.
D Brinkerhoff and A Goldsmith, ‘Clientelism, Patrimonialism and Democratic Governance: An Overview and Framework for Assessment and Programming’, Abt Associates prepared for USAID, 2002. http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnacr426.pdf