السبت,1 أكتوبر 2011 - 12:00 ص
: 4084    

كتب elhossien mahmoud

Act of utilizing one’s access to a position of power or knowledge, either directly or indirectly, to demand unmerited cooperation or compensation as a result of coercive threats.33

Example in practice
A member of the Tamil Tigers separatist group was deported from Canada after he used violence and intimidation to extort money from Sri Lankans living in Canada to support the group’s militarycampaign at home, with some victims being forced to mortgage their homes.
Relevant links
—— European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): Fraud and Corruption Definitions.
—— International Chamber of Commerce: Combating Extortion and Bribery.
33 J. Andvig, A. Shrivastava, ‘Police Corruption, Corruption and Crime – Data Examples from the Asia Pacific Region, in: United Nations Development Programme, Tackling Corruption, Transforming Lives: Selected Background Papers for Asia-Pacific (New Delhi: Macmillan, 2009).
Transparency International, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Tools to Support Transparency in Local Governance (Kenya and Berlin: 2004).
United Nations Development Programme, Tackling Corruption, Transforming Lives: Accelerating Human Development in the Asia and the Pacific (New Delhi: Macmillan, 2008).
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, The Global Programme Against Corruption – UN Anti-Corruption Toolkit, 3rd edition (Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2004).


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