السبت,1 أكتوبر 2011 - 12:00 ص
: 4402

كتب elhossien mahmoud
Provision of information as required under law or in good faith, regarding activities of a private individual, public official or company. Information can include a political candidate’s assets, a company’s financial reports or a whistleblower’s accusations.27
Example in practice
Following a lobbyist scandal in the US, a total of 51 corporations — including America Express, Chevron, General Electric and Merck — agreed to adopt new rules that voluntary bind companies todisclose publicly any corporate funds that are used for political purposes, either at the state or federallevel.28
Relevant links
—— Bank of Canada: Disclosure of Wrongdoing.
—— International Chamber of Commerce: Commission on Anti-Corruption. Combating Extortion and Bribery: ICC Rules of Conduct and Recommendations.
—— International Finance Corporation: Disclosure Policy.
—— Shell: Financial Disclosure Policy.
—— U4 Helpdesk Query: Corruption Political Party Financing and Electoral Campaigns.
—— World Bank: Disclosure Glossary.
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat – Backgrounder: Glossary – Proposed Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act.
28Leslie Wayne, “Corporations to Disclose Political Contributions”. Washington Post. 29 May 2008.